
How to install The Java Communications API for rs232

前幾天裝了 RS 232 需要使用 JAVA Communications API 2.0

netbeans 7.0.1

jdk 7u75

我找到了 乾脆備份在這邊

JAVA Communications API 2.0 download link

There is a trick to install the Java Communications API correctly on a Windows system Machine. The following files are the core of JAVA Communiccation API, and they are very important to have them installed on your system for a proper operation:
  • comm.jar
  • win32com.dll
  • javax.comm.properties
For the jdk (Java Developnment Kit) to recognize the serial ports on your machine, it is important to properly place these files in the right folders on your local machine :
%Java_HOME% = the location of your jdk directory.
To Find your JDK directory, Use the Following steps:
1. Click on Start
2. Click on Search
3. Click on For Files or Folders …
4. In the Left hand Side, Click on All Files and Folders5. Type in jdk* in the textbox under All or part of the file name:
6. Click Search
7. Look for yellow icon that looks like a folder
8. Double Clikc on the folder to open the jdk folder
comm.jar should be placed in:

win32com.dll should be placed in:


javax.comm.properties should be placed in:


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